Sen2Vec Code,Temporal node2vec Code, Motif Finding Code, Frequent Subgraph Mining Code, Finding Functional Motif Code, Directed subnetwork sampling
My research interest includes developing novel data mining and machine learning algorithms for applications in various domains, such as text mining, biology, and security. I have open-sourced the codes related to my PhD thesis. Here is a presentation you may want to go through to know my research better.
During my PhD, I had the opportunity to work with many industrial research labs including eBay, CareerBuilder, NEC Labs, Data Analytics Team at QCRI, and iControl ESI. Download CV.
During my spare time, I love to do reading novels, biking, hiking, and many other outdoor activities with my friends.
PhD in Computer Science, 2018
Purdue University, West Lafayette
MSc in Computer Science, 2015
BSc in Computer Science, 2009
The task of solving name entity disambiguation using only graph topological information.
Mining information from a set of networks (graph Mining), finding important subnetwork from a single large network (motif finding).
Learning to understand the semantics of nodes, edges or higher order structures such as triangle or graphlets by representing them in lower dimensional space.
Learning to understand the semantics of natural language text (e.g., words, sentences, paragraph) by representing them in lower dimensional space.
The objective of this task is to find everything about an entity or about a research question.